It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a community to run a program. Below is just a smattering of the fabulous contributors and partners that make the ranch run.
CARMA for Horses has been a generous donor to help us care for the horses and operate our program.
HorseBoy Foundation has partnered with us to train 30+ volunteers and instructors to serve autism families.
Dr. Ashton Cloninger D.V.M without whose help, Square Peg could not exist.
Epona Chiropractic for serving and helping our horses and human spines and bodies function well.
Riding Warehouse has kindly offered the Square Peg community a 15% discount for their products. Email for the code!
Equine Originals is a horse and human care company that graciously donates 100% natural and chemical free products for our team.
Mary’s Botanicals has kindly helped us by creating a fly-spray product for our ultra-sensitive skinned horses.
A Home For Every Horse in partnership with Purina Mills have donated feed and supplies.
Saddlery Solutions has contributed tack and equipment to the program, as well providing us expert advice in all tack related issues.
IndoJax Surf Charities and HMB Surf Club – thanks for sharing the stoke!
Stanford Polo Team has donated time and care and love to Square Peg events and efforts.

Cavalia offered us a unique partnership where they granted us tickets to their amazing show. We raised $3000+ for Square Peg Programs.
The law firm of Arnold and Porter,LLP, is providing on-going pro-bono services to the Square Peg Foundation to support our continuing development and mission. The Board of Directors of Square Peg Foundation greatly appreciate their generous support!
lovejoy(creative), based in Oakland, California, is an innovative full-service branding and creative agency. Working with the Square Peg Foundation from its conception, lovejoy(creative) donated their time to create all of the designs for the foundation’s brand mark and communications materials.

Michael Winokur, Paul Van Allen, Robyn Peters, Merida Wilson, AJ Hansen and Peter Samuels have generously donated time and talent to making the beautiful images seen on this website.
Jason Wertheimer produced and developed the Square Pegs web site.
Heart of Silicon Valley – for making us the beneficiaries of their 2012 concert!
Auburn Labs – for donating product to keep our horses healthy. We love APF!