Face to Face With Your Hero

(Here’s another story that I wrote years ago. I hope you enjoy it – Joell)

On a perfect Indian summer morning, I walked to the corner coffee shop for my morning joe before a 9:00 am lesson. My eyes glanced over the headlines of several newspapers sporting more ridiculous news of local political scandals and horrific information about the continuing struggles in the Middle East. Somehow my eye caught the sub-headline that announced the quiet death of a hero and friend. My heart broke wide open.

I read the story while waiting in line for coffee with my eyes full of tears. I needed to run away, get to my car and drive, and cry. Bill Shoemaker is dead.

The article said that Bill had died of natural causes at the appropriate age of 72. The article also told the story that Bill had been a quadriplegic for the last 12 years following an auto accident. Also cited were the amazing numbers; that Bill had been born 2 1/2 lbs. That he grew to a height of 4’10”, had won an amazing 8,833 races and over $125 million dollars for his owners. That he is survived by his only daughter Amanda.

But here are some things that the article didn’t say, didn’t know and needs to be known.

For the record, Bill Shoemaker was my hero. I grew up watching him ride races on television. He rode with the Gods named Angel Cordero, Bill Hartack and Eddie D. He was my favorite until Steve Cauthen arrived on the scene with his 17 year old baby face and unbelievable talent. But Steve faded, the victim of a 5’5” frame and Bill rode on. Bill threaded the needle on a huge Ferdinand to win the Breeder’s Cup Classic for Charlie Whittingham. Bill piloted Spectacular Bid to 11 victories out of 12 rides. Bill hand rode horses to the wire, head down, small arms pumping and accepted victory with his shy smile that gave credit to the beast and its trainer.

In 1997, I got the chance to meet Bill. Not just meet, to hang out with Bill, to honor him among his peers. I was the Special Events Planner for Golden Gate Fields racetrack. Having just recently given up on the notion of being a jockey myself, I put my heart and soul into promoting racing to the general public for a living. With the help of our Marketing Director, I contacted the Shoemaker Foundation and we began to plan a benefit dinner and dance at Golden Gate Fields as a fundraiser for Bill’s charity Foundation. Bill’s first win of his career was at Golden Gate, so I thought that this might be a perfect venue to honor him.

Moreover, Bill had just that month sent up a horse to run in the California Derby, our track’s signature race. Bill became the only person to win the California Derby as a trainer and a jockey.

I met extensively on the morning of the event with Rodney Pitts, executive director of the Shoemaker Foundation and with Chris Lincoln of ESPN to discuss details of how to get Bill and his special sip-and-puff wheelchair from the airport to the Turf Club. It was decided that I should go to the airport to meet Bill. 

Both Rodney and Chris were long-time friends of Bill and all of them were big fans of a good joke. The boys decided that we would make a huge sign that said “Bill Shoemaker” and that I should parade around the airport lobby and pass him a couple of times. As if I didn’t recognize his famous face or his tiny frame in the huge wheelchair.

I knew I couldn’t do it. I was too nervous and too excited to be in his presence. So I left the sign in the van and trotted to the airline gate with my heart pounding.

Bill and his longtime assistant and friend, Wendy SooHoo were the last off of the plane. Bill’s chair had to be secured to the floor of the plane and it took a bit of maneuvering to extricate him from his bindings. Bill looked tired, but game as I approached.

For whatever reason, I have always resorted to wise cracks when nervous, and this may be one of the best/worst wisecracks of my professional career:

“Well Mr. Shoemaker, I’m Joell with Golden Gate Fields. I can’t believe that you sent a horse up to our fair track to steal the biggest race of our season and don’t show up for the race, but if we throw a dinner-dance for you, you manage to come. I didn’t realize you were that fond of dancing.”

I STILL can’t believe I said that. Bill processed my comment for a second or two, glanced up at me with clear blue eyes and said

“Kid, you get the first dance.”

We spent the trip from the airport to the track chatting. I told him that an old riding buddy of his is my great uncle and we laughed and exchanged stories of riding and racing. Bill was very tired and uncomfortable from the trip, but he never complained and was charming, graceful and kind to me.

I remember him as a little bit shy, mostly quiet and always the gentleman. Except of course, when he had the chance to crack a joke, most of them quite blue. He was quick with a smile and laugh.

Bill started the Shoemaker Foundation to assist families in the racing industry with financial support, counseling and resources when affected by catastrophic illness or injury. As you can imagine, working around racehorses is very dangerous and some of the injuries are horrific.

So often when you meet your hero, you find them to be merely human or worse. This was not the case with Mr. Shoemaker. The hero of my childhood was a true giant of a human being. My life is honestly better for having admired and known him. I hope he is riding Ferdinand across the finish line again and again somewhere in heaven.2CD03985-B931-4FAD-96BD-B491DCACE3C8.jpg

Things are not always as they seem (or should be). A success story.

Last October, we were helping fund raise for the Jane Goodall Foundation.  Dr. Jane was coming to our ranch to do a trail ride in the woods.  Her supporters were paying a fortune to go with her.  We were to provide the horses and the supervision.  I was a nervous wreck.  The last time I was that nervous, I was supposed to meet the great Willie Shoemaker at the airport for an event.  The kids, the volunteers and I worked for months to make sure that the ranch was ship-shape and that the horses looked their best.

On the morning of the day of the event, our neighbor brought down one of the horses from his pasture, to the paddock right next door.  We knew that he had three horses and that they were in a large pasture that had been seeded with good oat and rye grass.  We couldn’t see his pasture very well from our ranch.  Our neighbor is a local business owner who doesn’t live on the property, but keeps his toys such as his boats, motorcycles and fancy cars there.  We hardly had any interaction with him.

Well, back to the horse.  This poor animal, I’ll let the photos speak (see photos before and after).  To make it worse, a friend of mine had sold the guy the horse years ago for his daughter, so I (kinda) knew the animal and I certainly knew and thought the world of his previous owner.

I panicked.  This animal, in his new pen adjacent to our ranch, would be in full view of the Jane Goodall party, and he was at death’s door.  I wanted to call the SPCA, the police, SOMEONE.  I called my friend who had sold this guy the horse.  I wanted her to come with her trailer and rescue him – NOW.  Certainly she owed her old horse as much? Instead, she told me what a nice guy the owner was and that I should just call him or go and get the horse myself.  Okay, so this was the biggest afternoon of my entire career.  Dr. Jane Goodall and a cadre of her biggest supporters were due to arrive in a couple of hours and I was supposed to clean up this mess, caused by people who can’t manage to take care of their own animals!  I was hyperventilating and imagining what a cruel, awful person our neighbor must be.  To let this sweet animal starve to death while he polishes his fancy motorcycles and boats.

But I let reason and hope get the better of me, and I found the number for the guy’s business and I just called.  He was indeed a nice guy.  Didn’t know squat about horses and looked up to check on his three and found that one “had dropped a lot of weight”, so he had his guy go up and bring him down into the barn to feed him up.  I told him that he needed to let me help him with the horse and that I would probably have to bring him into my barn.  He gave me the code to his automatic gate and told me to put anything I needed on his account at the local feed store.

We brought him into the barn and fed him 2 or 3 handfuls of wet feed every 90 minutes round the clock for 3 days. We wormed him when he was strong enough and increased his feed intake steadily. We treated his brittle skin with salves and blanketed him with the softest blankets we could find.   He put on weight quickly and seemed to appreciate all our efforts.  The day we turned him out into the arena and he rolled and got up bucking, we all laughed until our faces hurt.

The story ends well. King has terrible teeth and my miracle dentist, Ben Koertje did the best he could but informed us that we would have to soak his food for the rest of his life.  He was standing shin deep in good grass in his pasture, but couldn’t chew or digest the food he was eating.  His owner was not hoarding or purposely starving the horse.  He believed that the horse was doing as well as the other two older horses who were thriving on the pasture grass. Yes, the owner should have checked on the horses more.  But he had invested in good pasture, good fencing and relied on advice from horsey friends as to when to worm and vaccinate. He had simply forgotten about the animals after providing acres of grass and adequate shelter and water.

What looked like a terrible case of abuse was more complicated than met the eye.  Had I acted on my first impulse and called animal control, I would have alienated a neighbor and lost track of the horse.

In closing, it’s important to me to mention that this neighbor beats a path to my door with a check whenever I give him a bill for his horse’s care.  He has donated hay to our ranch and always has a smile and a wave when he drives in.  Whenever I see him at a restaurant, he sends over a drink or dessert to our table (he’s in the food service business).  We have Thoroughbred’s from the track and fancy retired dressage and polo horses that came from some extremely wealthy barns.  They were donated and we never heard from their owners again.  We try to send updates, but often get no response. We send donation requests and are met with radio silence except for the occasional call requesting a home for another one of their horses.

Things are not always as they seem.  When it comes to suspected animal neglect or abuse, be mindful, be thoughtful, but do something.

Oh, and by the way, Dr. Jane Goodall is as amazing as you could ever imagine.  Wow.

Choosing a Horse off the Race Track: The Facts

Photo caption:  just some of the OTTB’s, past and present at Square Pegs

[This is something I originally published about eight years ago. In light of all    the thoroughbreds that are needing rescue from slaughter lately,it seemed to merit re-posting.]

Somehow, the story always goes like this; “Poor Champ was skinny and abused when I bought him off the track for $200. I worked with him for 3 years and now he’s the loveliest horse in the world.”

So you think to yourself “Maybe I need to go to the track to get my ugly duckling to make into a swan.”

A word to the wise: Caveat Emptor.

Let’s look at the facts:
– Thoroughbreds are arguably one of the most athletic, versatile, beautiful horses around.
– They are also bred to run, prone to injury and thin-skinned.
– Imported European Sporthorse prospects are commonly priced at $15,000 and up, so a *free* thoroughbred sounds like a great bargain.
– At your local racetrack, there can be as many a 1200 horses stabled on the grounds, a veritable smorgasbord of horse shopping!

So you want to go shopping for an ex-racehorse.

First things first. Bring your trainer or another trusted full-time horse professional. This person will be able to assess confirmation, attitude and soundness better than if you go alone and fall in love with the first 17-hh dapple-gray 2 year old filly that you see.

Next, learn the following common racetrack terms that you will encounter.

Bleeder: a condition that indicates the horse has demonstrated internal bleeding in the lungs when racing or training. It is estimated that up to 80% of Tb’s racing in North America exhibit this problem. While a bleeder will not usually show complications of the condition when used for trail riding or lower speed sports, it can be a problem if the horse is intended for upper level Eventing or other long distance disciplines.

Bowed Tendon: This is when the tendon fibers of the lower leg are torn or inflamed. . A compromised tendon will never be as flexible as one that hasn’t been injured. General rule of thumb for a tendon is 6 to 12 months lay-up before returning to regular work. However, many horses with healed bowed tendons compete regularly.

Chipped Knee or Chipped Ankle (aka “bone spur”): as the term implies, this indicates that a bone chip is present in the joint. It often means that the animal should undergo orthoscopic surgery. Lay-up time can be 2 to 6 months. Ask to see x-rays and share them with your vet.

Take into consideration your goals, riding level, budget, facilities and time-frame. Be realistic about what you are looking for. It’s very easy to fall in love with a beautiful 2-year-old filly with a tendon problem. But unless you are prepared to wait two years before your first show, she probably isn’t an option.

Former racehorses are some of the most sensitive, intelligent and versatile animals around. Be patient and practical about your riding goals and abilities. Do your homework and you may find your next superstar and/or equine companion at the track. Never forget a thorough vet check is a minor investment in a long-term relationship.

For the first time in seven years, I’ve decided to take a break from teaching

Six days a week, in all four seasons I’ve been in the arena teaching.  And I have loved (almost) every minute of it.  I felt like I had to teach in order to be fulfilled.

So when I came home from four days in Mexico, I was worried in that I didn’t have the urge, the need, the compulsion to teach.  I spent a few days in fear that I had reached burnout.  I rationalized that I had not taken more than a few days off in the last few years.  I told myself that I would get over this feeling.  I lost a lot of sleep and then struggled to get to the barn.  I reasoned that it was seasonal and that it’s hard to motivate yourself to teach in the cold and the mud.

But then it dawned on me.  For once,  I have teachers that I can trust with my students. I have never felt before like I could put my students in anyone else’s hands.  Maybe it’s narcissistic, most likely I’m a complete control freak. Don’t panic, I will still be in and around the arena. I’m not retiring. But I know that my role as Executive Director is to create sustainability for Square Pegs and that means doing the work that keeps the program running.

The main thing is that I am growing because I have finally found excellent people who understand and value what Square Pegs is all about.  I’m honestly finding joy in watching Greg and Sigourney blossom as mentors and teachers. I  love helping Terri and the student teachers like Farris and Max.  I’m learning from them how to value the students and to gracefully give people the space to learn.  I am so very excited to watch these talented young teachers share their love of horses with their students. They make me very proud to know them.

Goodness, did I just write “their students?”  I must be growing.  Square Pegs, is growing.

2009 is going to be a very exciting year.

San Francisco Cronicle article today about GreatNonProfits.org

Today’s SF Chronicle ran an article about GreatNonProfits.org.  If you haven’t visited the site, you might want to treat yourself.

Square Peg’s profile is located at  http://www.greatnonprofits.org/reviews/square-peg-foundation

It’s so refreshing to see technology innovate to bring attention the the causes you care about and not just the ones that can afford to get your attention.  Another reason I love the internet….

Looking Back on Lad – a love story

Looking back on Lad’s 30 years of life, I realize that he acquired more friends and touched more lives with joy than a lot people.

At 17.2hh and 29 years old he looked his age. His lower lip hung loosely and he would drool. His fat belly hung so that down his huge withers and backbone stuck out as if he was emaciated. His perfect crescent moon star now something of a long crooked lightening bolt. Advanced arthritis meant that we couldn’t keep him in a stall, so he would live out in pasture. But his eyes alwasys held that wise, gentle gleam.

He lived out his last years in a pasture with some 5 or 6 weanlings on Joe Shelton’s rescue ranch. He was quick to reprimand a bold foal and even quicker to let the shy ones bask in the security of his huge frame.

At 25 he taught novice riders to jump and was still up for a good gallop on the trails when the opportunity presented itself. However, arthritis and size was a double-whammy. We turned him out for good after he got down in a stall late one night and couldn’t get up. Some friends owned a lay-up farm and I trailered him to their place for what I thought was the last time. Laddy limped out of the trailer; his one eye swollen almost shut from thrashing in the stall. His shaggy coat and enlarged ankles left no trace of the handsome show horse of days past. The owner of the farm patted Lad’s long neck and asked what the old horse’s name was. I managed to choke the word “Lad” as I handed him the lead rope. Suddenly the man’s eyes lit up and said “Not Lite Lee Lad?” Astounded, I nodded yes.

“Honey!” the man yelled as he handed me back the rope and went running to find his wife. “You’ll never guess who’s here! It’s Big Lad!” The wife appeared from the house, recognized her old friend and came running to him. It was obvious she know him as she immediately started scratching his favorite spot behind his left ear.

It turned out that this couple had taken care of Lad 20+ years and 1,000 miles ago during his race career in Arizona. Lad was nervous, difficult and probably previously abused. Billy, his one time exercise rider and now retirement manager told us stories of how Lad used to pace a stall all night and rage around the track no matter what part of him hurt. He said that Lad never ran a good race until the trainer built an outdoor pen for him so that he could watch the racetrack day and night. When Lad came off the track from his morning gallop, reared, wheeled and tried to jump back onto the track, that meant that it was time for Lad to race. He was indeed a hard horse to forget. He had found a home that would love him like I did.

At 20 Lad began his career as a lesson horse. I ran a riding program through a Montessori school in Sacramento, California. We had a couple of acres fenced in the front of the school with big oak shade trees and a small riding area. I always kept Lad plus the two lesson ponies, Bert and Ernie in pasture year-round and gave lessons for as long as the weather would let us. In the 100+ degree summer, the kids would ride around the pasture while I turned on the sprinklers. The kids and the horses loved it and Lad could always be counted on the carefully place the kids in the direct route of the water spray. He was spoiled with carrots and apples from the school kitchen and developed a taste for graham crackers. The children, age 5 to 12 were always enchanted to go from riding the ponies to enjoying the view from a 17.2hh Thoroughbred. He was my “Equalizer” who always knew how to instill confidence and when to issue attitude adjustments. You could count on Laddy to walk gingerly with the scared kids or to be found lounging peacefully under a shade tree while a particularly bratty child tried to kick him into a trot. He received more Christmas cards from students than I did. I keep them in a box with his ribbons and photos.

At 15 we performed our first dressage test. He kicked, bucked and whinnied throughout the entire test. The judge called us to her after our final salute and wanted to know how old the tall and slim promising prospect was. She assumed that he was a 4-year-old warmblood. “He’s 15 this year, Ma’am” I replied. She scowled. We placed 3rd.

At 10 Laddy was packing a very inexperienced me around jumper courses. There are times when I had no idea which fence to take next, but he always got me there. I didn’t know what a “spot” was; I just pointed and took ahold of his thick mane. He was honest and bold. He forgave me all my mistakes and taught me when to be a passenger and when to be a pilot. He was famous for dragging me along for a victory lap around the arena after a particularly good round. He taught me to live for the moment.

Along the years, I have many, many fond stories of Lad. Like the time I tried to use him as a pony at the racetrack. Somewhere around the quarter pole, Lad would transform from steady pony to racehorse. He would incite the horse he was leading into an all out horse race with me somewhere in the middle. He was always letting himself out of his stall at the track in the wee hours of the morning and roaming the grounds just out of the reach of the security guards.

Or the time he got tired of packing around a scared student and so he decided to trot back to me in the middle of the arena. Unfortunately, there were two jumps between him and me, which he cleared neatly. When I looked up and saw what was coming I called out to the student “Hey, I thought you said you never jumped!”

“I CAN’T!” she wailed.

“Ya can now!” was my reply.

She went on to be a fairly accomplished rider.

Laddy has an empathy that drew people in distress. He was the horse you told your troubles to. He nursed me through sick children, a divorce and career changes. He patiently stood as a dozen or so girls cried tears of teenaged angst on his strong shoulders. He has always had a soft spot for baby anything and treated chicks, kittens, foals and toddlers with a tenderness that belied his immense size. My dad always said that if he were human he would be Uncle Remus; a rich storyteller who taught moral lessons in life through gentle, colorful stories.

Laddy died many winters ago on Joe Shelton’s rescue ranch. He laid down in his stall and just couldn’t get up. The I’d like to think the vet cried as she mercifully ended his long and wonderful life.

He will always be one of my truest friends. Lad at 25

Let’s Talk

We are going to pepper this blog with stories of horses, the kids they touch, about the nature of real learning and reflections about what education is and isn’t. You will meet people who have graced the ranch with their presence and left us all wiser and richer. We are going to publish the artwork and poems and essays that come from the hearts of the students and volunteers of the ranch.


Square Pegs is not just a rescue ranch or adaptive riding program. Ultimately, it’s a movement that helps us all understand who we are through learning from the animals and the land and each other.

Let’s talk about what’s on our mind.

Let’s talk about :

  • what it feels like to be a Square Peg in a Round Hole


  • or about animals and people who need a second chance


  • or about education – what’s working and what’s not.
  • what do YOU think about competitive horse sports? Do you love or hate racing? How about polo?


Let’s chat about why it’s important to let kids take responsibility for large animals, or to have the space and quiet time to get to know them.

How about a discussion of why diagnosis of Autism and Childhood Diabetes is skyrocketing?

What do you think about using OTTB’s as school horses?


Square Pegs is committed to having these conversations and having them out loud so that we can all learn from each other. We want to learn to be more compassionate, more effective and more informed. And we can’t do it without you.

Join the discussion. Send us your thoughts, share the blog with folks that have something to say. Remember Everyone Fits. Just don’t be mean.

shortest days


Every year, I struggle around the solstice. Maybe it’s because the Holiday spirit doesn’t seem to do much for me, maybe I’m just not a shopper or maybe I have trouble getting and receiving gifts. Nah, it’s just that I need the sunlight and I need the daylight hours in which to get everything done that I need to. Even in the long days of summer, I never seem to find enough time to ride as much as I’d like or to do as much as I’d like to get done, so losing 6 hours of daylight certainly cuts into that mix!

I know our ancestors created big holidays around the solstice as an opportunity to build community in those times where the nights are long and cold. It’s a time to come together an remind ourselves what makes us human. Strangely, I find myself wanting to be alone more in these times.

Yesterday, the cold rain was falling all day. I cancelled lessons and advised any volunteers that they should probably stay home and be warm and dry. So it was just me, 18 horses, nine barn cats and the goats, a boatload of chores – and the rain. Sometime in the late afternoon, I was up in the pasture digging trenches for the rain water to flow into the creek. My wrist and back were aching and the mud had seeped into my tall rubber boots. I was feeling sorry for myself, feeling under-staffed and overworked and generally having a big jolly pity party for myself. It’s easy for a girl to do while standing shin deep in mud while your office is spilling over with projects to finish, bills to pay and an email inbox with over 100 messages waiting to be dealt with.

Just as I was reaching the apex of my now full-blown self absorbed feel-sorry-for-myself-jubilee, Gigi, the princess Tb mare, made her way over to me. She just looked at me and invited me to pet her head with my muddy gloves. We stood together for a few minutes. She didn’t turn and demand that I scratch her withers, she didn’t sniff my pockets for treats. She just wanted to be close. Not for protection, or food, she forsook the company of the other horses in the pasture – just to be close to me. We simply hung out for awhile like the old friends that we are, in the rain and the mud. I told her what a fool I was and I thanked her for her own version of wisdom.

Some days – however short, turn out to be very good days.

Joell Dunlap

Executive Director
Square Peg Foundation
Mission: to turn “I wish” into “I can.”

“Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply,
to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.”
-Storm Jameson

guest blogger – Sigourney Jellins

I careen down the twisting, narrow road until the red Square Peg Foundation barn appears on my left. I jump out of my truck to open the ranch gate. Inside, horses lounge in their paddocks pestering each other over the fence. Two pygmy goats scavenge for food. And Bridget, an incorrigible miniature horse, terrorizes all who dare to come within three feet of her by baring her teeth or raising a threatening hoof. As I park and make my way to the barn, I am welcomed by the familiar smells and sounds—fresh, sweet alfalfa hay, and horses happily chomping. Here at Square Peg Foundation, I have found a home, a place where I gladly volunteer, sharing my love and knowledge of horses.

The Square Peg Foundation teaches anyone how to ride and care for horses. Kids especially benefit from the experience of being around large animals, and farm animals like Bridget and the goats. I know this from my own experiences growing up as a “barn kid.” I spent long summer days developing my independence and sense of responsibility, with horses as my patient teachers. Now I help students learn the calming ritual of tacking up a horse—grooming, saddling, and bridling. The common thread of Square Peg’s students is a desire to learn more about horses and enjoy riding and being around them. With fourteen years of riding experience, I can assist riders that need extra help, by walking alongside their horse or leading them from another horse. Everyone has the desire to feel safe, and giving a new student that sense of security is empowering. At Square Peg, the main objectives are for riders to find power and strength within themselves, to feel confident and proud of what they learn in each lesson. When I began volunteering for Square Peg, I realized the value of this goal and was eager to contribute, but I did not anticipate the life changing effect it would have on me.

I have spent much of my life learning how to ride and competing in three-day eventing, and hunter-jumpers. Always the fearless and determined rider, I would gallop my horse through the sprinklers in the arena bareback, jumping any obstacle in my path. However, in the cutthroat and costly world of the “A Circuit” I never found a barn where I felt at home. Although the barns where I rode or kept my horse provided excellent instruction, most trainers were concerned with how much money their clients were willing to spend on their next horse. Discouraged by the unethical side of competitive riding, I came to realize that what I truly enjoyed about horses was hanging out at the barn, taking care of them. Finding Square Peg, I discovered a group of people who loved simply being around horses as much as I do. I now have the privilege of helping others discover the activity that brings me so much joy. I have finally found my niche, a little red barn in the hills, a place where “Everyone fits”.