Our favorite stories are the ones where someone was thought useless, used up, not worthy and somehow, through trials, they proved themselves heroic.
King Arthur, the smallish adopted son, was called Wart – rose to be King.
Luke Skywalker, born poor on a desert planet leads the Resistance.
These are the heroes we adore.
A friend asked me why I do what I do. What makes me want to get up seven days a week and put in the hours and the effort required? I had to think about it.
I love horses and I love riding and I’ve been able to ride in some fantastic situations including:
- Busting out of the starting gate on a horse keen on winning.
- Galloping over the Sierra desert jumping tumbleweeds alongside 20 couple of hounds on a scent.
- Racing pell mell toward goal on a grass field chasing a polo ball.
- Sitting a rhythmic and perfect pirouette.
- Arching over an oxer on our way to another solid fence.
- Climbing aboard a quivering horse on his first backing.
Okay, so I’m a thrill junkie.
But nothing compares to what I do every day.
I get to play witness to the ultimate hero story – the story of unfolding potential. I orchestrate the growth and opportunities not just for slaugter-bound horses but for humans society wrote off as unworthy to explore their potential. I witness our families as they realize they are worthy of friendship. I facilitate the lending of the power and grace of an 1,100 lb. animal capable of running a two minute mile. I am present as people show themselves and their loved ones that they can learn, create, lead and be celebrated for their efforts.
Despite 30 years of daily effort as a rider, I’m not headed for the Olympics, I’m not up for an Eclipse Award for most winning jockey and I won’t be chosen for the US Women’s Polo team. But I’m riding with people I adore on horses I helped to bring to a calm understanding of quiet cues. That’s a rush I get every day.
What’s more, I get to mentor my talented staff as they make miracles happen for our families and for the horses they love.
Heroism is about growth and facing limitations and blossoming through them. I get to be in the presence of heroes daily. I get to watch our families snatch dignity from the jaws of a society that thought they were “less than.”
And that, is what makes me tick.
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